
The following plans are available to Edison retirees and their dependents:

Dental Plan Type Dental Plan Options Availability
PPO Delta Dental Nationwide
HMO Cigna Dental Care DHMO Nationwide — with the exception of the following states:
AK, ME, MT, ND, NH, NM, SD, VT, and WY

Please note:  If you cancel or waive your Edison dental coverage and do not have group coverage elsewhere, you will not be able to re-enroll in the dental plans in the future. If you have other group coverage, you must notify the EIX Benefits Connection before you waive so that you don’t lose future eligibility. If your coverage is canceled for nonpayment, you will not be allowed to enroll in our dental plans in the future.

Delta Dental PPO

  • Available nationwide

About the Delta Dental PPO: The PPO Dental Plan is a fee-for-service plan. In other words, the Plan reimburses your covered expenses at a specified percentage, after you pay any applicable deductible. You may seek services from one of the many dentists who participate in the Delta Dental PPO Network or Delta Dental Premier Network, or from a non-participating dentist. When you seek services from a Delta Dental PPO dentist you receive the “In PPO network” benefit. Services from a Delta Dental Premier dentist or a nonparticipating dentist will be considered “Out of PPO Network.” Delta Dental dentists agree not to charge above their accepted fee.

Cigna Dental Care DHMO

  • Available nationwide — with the exception of the following states: AK, ME, MT, ND, NH, NM, SD, VT, and WY

About the Cigna Dental Care DHMO: There is no annual deductible, and most covered services require you to pay a flat dollar amount, known as a copay. You must select an in-network dental office to coordinate all of your care. All dental services must be received from your dental HMO’s network of providers. You and any covered dependents must live and receive dental care within the plan’s geographic service area. Out-of-area dental services may not be covered, resulting in your financial responsibility for any costs incurred.